Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Journal Prompt 17 & New Haircut!

After reading about Lindsay's visit to the hairsalon, I finally pluck up the courage to get a trim, and I kinda like the way it turned out. No more messy and untamed hair that's constantly bugging me, at least for now! Today's journal prompt ties in with my new haircut, so I'm gonna draw about it. Perfect timing for a prompt like this. :)

Journal Prompt 17: Today you are going to illustrate a day. It can be today, it can be yesterday, it can be a significant event that you have had in your life :) Use pictures, labels, words, doodle, sketches, anything you want, to describe your day! This is a cute one. Enjoy!

Sayang fell asleep while waiting for me to get my hair cut. Haha!

& now...the actual look!
I like how it's much neater and yet I am able to maintain my previous hair length. Hooray for a successful happy visit to the hairsalon! :D

Birthday Celebrations!

It's my mum's birthday today! To celebrate this wonderful day, I'm doing a post on birthday celebrations. :)

(all images found searching "birthday" via weheartit)

Last but not least...

the lovely birthday lady cutting her cake!
(mango-flavoured, baked by my brother)

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

Journal Prompt 16

Journal Prompt 16: Short, sweet, and straight to the point :) What are you wearing today? Write it, doodle it, cut it out of a magazine, whatever!

Mr Hockey Bean & Journal Pages!

After weeks of waiting, I finally got this cute hockey plushie from Mr Bean! Isn't it just so adorable? :)

Now, onto my journal pages!

Journal Prompt 13: Silly insecurities....we all have them unfortunately. If you don't, you are my hero :) Today I want you to document your insecurities, face them, write them down, reflect on them, and get them out of your system. Somewhere on your page I want you to write "BUT..." This will lead in to tomorrow's prompt :) This is definitely not a fun prompt but it's kind of necessary in order to move past them.

I have lots of insecurities that I'm trying hard to work on. It sure took me some courage to be able to share about them. I'm kinda afraid of what others will think about me once they find out about these.  

Journal Prompt 14: Ok, now that we have all of the yucky insecurities out of our system, I want us to completely focus ONLY on the things that make you the amazing person that you are. What are the qualities that you possess that make you so wonderful? Don't be shy and don't be modest either on this one :)

Sure feels good to be writing about amazing qualities that I possess. Notice that I've set this page to be a contrast of the previous one, with the use of sunshine, to counter the dark and stormy rain. :)

Journal Prompt 15: Today I would like you to brainstorm some goals for the upcoming month. A short list of goals that will be attainable to accomplish in one month.

I simply love hockey! :D

I'm officially halfway through the 30 Day Journal Challenge and I'm really enjoying it! I'm rather proud of the fact that I'm on track. It's so much fun to just doodle and pen down my thoughts. I feel so accomplished each time I complete a page! :)

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Babies are the Cutest!

This has got to be the most adorable commercial ever! :)

Friday, 25 June 2010

Journal Pages 10, 11 & 12

So I've realised that I've not been blogging as frequent as before. That's just because I'm busy catching up with...'GLEE'! I know I'm a bit late to only discover it now but it's totally addictive. I love all the songs they've performed! I may get that 'GLEE' soundtrack soon!

(via weheartit)

So now, on to my journal pages...

Journal Prompt 10: This prompt is all about collections. I am such a collector. I have too many collections but I love them all. I am definitely the type who moves on though to new collection depending on my mood and the seasons in my life. What do you collect? If anything. Do you collect buttons, clothes, shoes, friends, parking tickets, whatever!! Illustrate your collections. This will be fun to look back on someday and see how your collections have grown or have moved on :)

I'm not that much of a collector now that I'm a little tight on finances. Occasionally, I give in to temptations of Pooh stuff and stationery though. I'm trying to work on my needs instead of wants for the time being. There will be a time when I can spend again, hopefully! :)

Journal Prompt 11: Hello friends. Today is another one of my favorite pages. And speaking of favorites, this is a page all about your faves!!
We are going to list your favorites in each of these four categories:
* TV shows

* Music

* Food

* Splurges

Journal Prompt 12: Journal 12 is all about trends. Whether you consider yourself "trendy" or not, I bet there are a few trends that you find yourself gravitating to. If not, you can create a page of trends that you think are lame too, it's up to you :)

Over the years, I've came to understand that I don't have to follow trends, especially not blindly. If I feel comfortable and happy with what I'm wearing, then I'll naturally be confident of myself. Of course, there will be moments when I feel bad about myself but hey! I'm gonna push that away and start working on being secured in who I am. I encourage you to do that too, you'll learn to love yourself more! :D
Have you been watching any movies lately? Planning on catching one? Then you really must go and catch these two awesome movies! I'm sure you will not be disappointed!

Jaden Smith did a really good job acting out the character in 'the Karate Kid'. I like how the focus is not on Jackie Chan but on Jaden instead. The story was rather touching towards the end and I find myself trying hard to hold back tears. An inspiring movie! :)

'Toy Story 3' was entertaining throughout. After so many years, it still manages to bring out the story plot excellently and lives up to its name as a childhood favourite. It's definitely worth watching and adults will love it as much as kids! :)

By the way, I just extracted my wisdom tooth. I had 3 shots of injections before the dentist used a plier-looking tool to extract it out. It was painful despite the numbness. I have to admit, I was kinda scared because it's my first time extracting a tooth at the dental clinic. I'm really proud of myself for enduring the pain and forgoing the painkillers though! It was good while it lasted, Goodbye Wisdom Tooth~

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Journal Challenge Day 9

Journal Prompt 9: Choose another person who is very significant in your life right now. It can definitely be the same person that we wrote about on day 3, but I chose to do someone different. Anyway, this prompt is going to be all about those wonderful adjectives, and typography. Describe your special person with as many words as you can fit. For each word, try to use a different font or writing style. This is a great way to practice fun typography!

I completed my journal page early today! I had so much fun coming up with different fonts and words to describe my Sayang. He's appearing a lot in my journal pages. :)

P.S. He's being so sweeet in his smses today, made me feel so loved and happy even though I won't get to see him until tomorrow (I hope!). I can't wait to see him, so blessed!  

Journal Pages 7 & 8

Journal Prompt 7: Today is an easy one... How are you feeling today? Sometimes it's really good to reflect on your feelings and try to figure out why you are feeling a certain way.

It was Fathers' Day yesterday and we were out for the whole day. A great time for family bonding, felt so blessed! This page pretty much summed up the day. :) 

Prompt 8:
Today, I want you to illustrate an "inside joke." I want this to be a page that only you and a few other people would get. Inside jokes are always fun (well, when you are apart of them I guess).
I have a journal page from my first year in college where I filled the entire page with inside jokes. Ummmm....I only "get" like two of them :) I have no clue what the other ones even mean anymore. Isn't that crazy?
Easy enough :)

It wouldn't be an inside joke if I explain much about this page right? ;P
I love how it turned out though, first time with the colour pencils!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Colour Challenge: Rainbow/Multi (&greys &whites); Journal Challenge Day 6

It's the last day of colour challenge! Boo Hoo Hoo! I really love this challenge because it teaches me to appreciate the different colours in my everyday life, and take time to slowly take in all the beautiful things that I will usually take for granted because they're always beside me. Thanks Cat, for coming up with this! :)

I didn't manage to capture a lot today but I would say these are good enough because they're just so charming~

stripes are so common nowadays, there's about 2 in every 10 people that I see wearing them. Sayang calls them zebras (sorry, no offence!). This is a giordano advertisement by the way.

wall mural in the mall, of my favourite sports brand, ADIDAS!

this Yeo's drink advertisement is too cute to resist! It's amusing how the dwarves chose the drink over Snow White. ;P

my journal page for the day! I chose to use more colours today, to incorporate into the colour challenge. The watch was inspired by a cool Adidas watch that I saw, which also has a mini calculator on the watchface itself. It's simpler today because I only wrote in tasks that have the highest importance right now, thus the bombs and the tick-tocks, reminding me that time is RUNNING OUT!

Journal Prompt Number 6:
It's time...
It's definitely time to do something. It may be a new season for you in your life, or a time to make some goals, or it may just be time to relax (because it's Saturday right?).
Draw something that represents the word time and then make a list of things that you need to do at this time in your life, or day, or week :)

Journal Challenge Day 5

Journal Prompt Number 5:
We are all obviously bloggers right, or else you wouldn't be here :) Even if you don't have a blog, I know that you read them.
This page is dedicated to your favorite blogs!! What are they? Are there any blogs that you can't go a day without checking?

There's lots of blogs that I enjoy reading but there's one out there that I will always check for updates. That special blog is Lindsay's! It all started when I can't help but think of her each time I see pandas (She's obsessed with them!) and I emailed her once with photos of pandas. We began to interact from there and now, she's my penpal! I'm so blessed to have found a friend all the way in US!

Colour Challenge : Purple

I had a hard time trying to capture purple initially because the purples I saw were what others wore. I do not have the courage to walk up to them to ask for a photo to be taken. Thank God I managed to see more lovely purples as the day went by. :)

railings of a bridge at the playground. :)

cut-out star outside a kindergarten (love stars!)

YOG board (Yay! Go Singapore!)

beautiful fallen flower on the pavement. :)

my floral bangle!

this is the way I brush my hair, brush my hair, brush my hair.
this is the way I brush my hair, so early in the morning~

classic eeyore print on my Pooh&Friends bedsheet. (I know, it's Pooh/Friends again~)

hippo cushion on the sofa!

one and only girly bow headband, makes me feel so pretty when I'm wearing it. :)

orchids, our national flower

Wow, I sure have got lots of purples today! Tomorrow's the last day! Aww~ Sad cos' I'm loving this challenge! :D

Creative Boot Camp Day 13 (It's Over~)

{SMILE} : say cheese! :D

Today marks the end of Creative Boot Camp. It didn't turn out as enjoyable as I had wanted it to be but it was definitely a good learning experience. I learnt to look at things from different perspectives and not only take them literally. Creative Boot Camp has taught me to explore different meanings of different things, so that I can now widen my knowledge, my horizon. :)

Friday, 18 June 2010

Henna Tattoos!!! :)

Finally did my henna tattoos! I'm loving them so much! Sayang doesn't think much of it because of the colour but he still brought me to get it anyway. He's gonna have to get used to it, I love henna!

I requested for stars to be incorporated into the design and I love how it turned out. Funny story though, I have a friend who gets goose pimples just looking at henna. She can't look at my hands properly now, much less touch them. I didn't know such a thing can exists~

What are your thoughts on henna tattoos? For it? or against it?
Love to know how you feel! :)

Journal Challenge Day 3 & 4

More journal pages! It's so fulfilling to be able to complete my pages and be back on track again. :)

Journal Prompt Number Three: It's always nice to share with someone why you love them. Today, I want you to draw a picture, doodle, sketch, of a person who you love, or admire. Then, write that person a letter telling them why they mean so much to you!

In view of the upcoming Father's Day, I chose the journal subject to be my dad. Dads are more likely to be undervalued than Mums and yet they don't complain most of the time. They just give endlessly, without expecting anything in return. I'm gonna take a HUGE step and show this page to my dad on Father's Day! :D

Journal Prompt Number 4: What does your heart look like? It can be literal, it can be symbolic, it can be broken and need fixing...anything!

My concept for this page is more like a mindmap, but I kept it simple by drawing symbolic things representing different loves that keeps me motivated every single day. :D

Colour Challenge: Blue

So, it's the BLUES today! My BLUES are not BLUES that will give you the BLUES! (Hope you'll get it!) ;D

I wake up to see this every morning, doesn't makes me feel the blues though~

a blue pen. :)

Sayang's gym towel

miniature paper house, constructed by me! :D


gift from Mexican

this cute toy I got from KinderJoy (love the chocolate!)

miniature bra with leopard spots mousepad, a birthday gift!