Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Creative Boot Camp

Yes, I'm finally starting on Creative Boot Camp, on its fourth day. I've decided to keep it simple and do only the random word prompt (sorry, organiser!). I will be shooting photos of things found at home, according to the given random word each day. So this is also a chance for me to showcase my messy but cosy home! :)

So it begins...

{IVORY} : bracelet I bought some time back, one of my faves

{PICNIC} : It's never complete without a cute lunchbox

{MULTILAYERED} : the different containers and bowls stored in the cupboard (I admit, it's kinda messy sometimes)

{HEAVY METAL} : I took it literally and shot a photo of the ladder

Now that I've started, I'm excited to keep playing along! I can't wait for the next word prompt. :)


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