Wednesday, 14 July 2010

My 'BLESSED' Journal!

As you know, the 30 Day Journal Challenge has officially come to an end today. In order to keep my creative juices flowing, I've decided to start a new journal on my own! I named it 'BLESSED' journal. It's gonna be something that I will doodle on at the end of every day, about something that I felt blessed by earlier in the day. This will serve as a constant reminder of how I'm blessed by God and to always count my blessings! :)

My first 3 pages:

You can join me if you want to, but it's going to be a personal journal that's all about yourself and how you're blessed. No prompts given at all. Do leave a link and share if you're interested! :)


  1. Great idea! Can't wait to see more of your pages! :) I too have been trying to come up with something new to do...!

  2. I would never hate you for such thought provoking questions!!! I will definitely answer in the comments section soon. Love your "Blessed" journal. What is life group? xoxoxo

  3. I found you from Brinja. This is really a great idea.


Hi! Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment. I love to hear from you. :)