Saturday, 5 June 2010

Ribbons & Eyecandies~

Thanks for all the comments on my previous posts! I'm so motivated to counter any nonsensical thoughts the next time they dare to pop up!

Anyway, as I was wrapping a present today, I realised that my existing ribbons were too short to be tied around it. So, I came up with my own idea of combining two ribbons! I used a silver and a cream ribbon, tying each around a different side, before knotting them in the middle together.  I kinda like the way it turned out! What do you think? :)

I found some beautiful eyecandies on Etsy and thought I'll share them with you! Enjoy~

such an adorable monkey!
love this pretty matryoshka doll!
isn't this so girly and sweet? :)
All of the above are felt iphone/camera gadgets cases that can be found here. So amazing! :)

I wish I can paint as well as this! (via BeiLeXian)

I'll be happy to come home to walls like these :)
(via decorette)

I'll be going over to my cousin's tomorrow to celebrate my niece's one month old. Yay, I love babies! ;D


  1. awww I really like how you did the ribbon!!! very pretty!!!

  2. Love the ribbon! The felt creations are so cute, what a cool, inspiring post, thanks!


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